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Rotherham Council reveals 2025/26 budget proposals

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC) has outlined their budget for the 2025/26 period, setting out what they will spend on and how much is allocated to it's spending priorities.

RMBC will benefit from £1.3 billion of additional funding from the government to the tune of £14 million- one of the largest increases to a council's budget nationwide.

To further support its spending commitments, the Council is proposing a 3% rise to Council Tax. This increase is expected to be one of the lowest in Yorkshire. 

Key budget proposals

Community safety

  • £570,000 to launch 'Street Safe Team'
  • The uniformed team will target Dinnington, Wath, Maltby and Swinton as well as Rotherham Town Centre.
  • The team will be tasked of tackling issues. They will also act as a familiar point of contact for local residents 

Job opportunities 

  • £718,000 will be invested to make the 'Employment Solutions Programme' permanent.
  • The initiative has helped more than 1,250 people into work or training since its launch in 2020.
  • Those who face the greatest barriers to employment will be targeted for the initiative, that will contribute to a stronger and more inclusive local economy. 

Cleaner streets

  • £307,000 to establish a new team that will be dedicated to roadside cleansing with a focus on popular routes and key gateways.
  • This investment will include some road sign cleaning.
  • Having cleaner streets across the borough has been identified as a top priority in response to residents feedback.

Road and pavement upgrades

  • An estimated £2 million of government funding to improve roads and pavements across the borough.
  • An extra £100,000 will be invested to refresh worn road markings on key routes and estates. 

Flood protection for Catcliffe

  • £6 million will be invested into the Catcliffe Village Flood Alleviation Scheme.
  • If approved, the project is expected to be completed within three to five years.

Free parking initiative 

  • Rotherham Council will offer free parking for the first hour in council-operated car parks, costing around £50,000
  • This scheme aims to support local businesses, boost footfall, and encourage residents to shop locally.

Speaking on behalf of the proposals, Rotherham Council Leader, Cllr Chris Read, said: 

“Our budget reflects our commitment to meeting the priorities that Rotherham residents have set out for us in numerous public consultations over the last few years—investing in vital services, supporting communities, increasing the economic opportunities open to local people and improving the look and feel of our communities.”

Despite growing demand, the budget, that will be presented to the cabinet on 10 February, will meet the cost of adult social care services that so many now rely upon.

The budget will go to Full Council for final approval on 5 March.

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