The Liberal Democrat group voted against the budget
Rotherham Council has approved its annual budget, which includes council tax and rent increases for residents across the borough – despite being voted down by opposition councillors.
Council tax will increase by four per cent, and council tenants will pay an extra seven per cent in the coming financial year.
Without this increase, Rotherham Council says it would have to make cuts in excess of £10 million.
The increase is made up of a two per cent increase in council tax, plus a two per cent increase in the precept to pay for adult social care.
The total four per cent rise is below the five per cent maximum councils can hike council tax by each year.
The proposed increase will raise an additional £4.8m to be split between council services and funding increased costs in providing adult social care.
The issue was debated by councillors during Rotherham’s last budget meeting on March 1, and was agreed by Labour and opposed by the Liberal Democrats and Conservative group, which each proposed their own amendments.